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Dupont Circle Village (DCV) is committed to being a diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization.

Current COVID-19 Policy for Dupont Circle Village:  DCV COVID Policy Update 9-14-23

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What is a Village and why do we need one in Dupont Circle?

Villages support successful aging in communities. Residents of all ages, and businesses and organizations all work together to support the growth and development of Villages. Dupont Circle Village is growing a network of neighbors helping neighbors to live productive and active lifestyles for a lifetime.

Do I have to live in Dupont Circle to join?
No. The Our Coverage Area includes other surrounding communities.
How does DCV operate?

Dupont Circle Village is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) membership organization that operates with the support of a Board of Directors, Executive Director, staff, and committees.

How do members and volunteers communicate?

More than 95% of DCV members have an active email address and communicate frequently online. There are also a website, listserv for member interaction, and Facebook. Postal mail and telephone buddy conversations provide a rich opportunity to keep in touch with those not online. Our monthly newsletter is shared electronically and by mail.

Can I buy a membership for my parents?

Yes. See our membership dues options. Children and relatives of DCV members are also encouraged to make annual or one-time contributions in support of the growth and development of the Village.

Is there an age requirement to become a member or volunteer?

There is no age requirement to join DCV. Members range in age from 50 to 90+. Volunteers range in age from 18 to 90+. We encourage high school students seeking community service credits to volunteer.

If I am healthy and active should I join now?

Yes, DCV welcomes active and engaged residents who are on the go! Become a Sustaining Member and choose the level of Village engagement that fits your lifestyle to enjoy the cultural, educational, and social events without the volunteer services. If you desire to contribute annually to support the Village concept, want to plan ahead for retirement, seek a way to give back to the community, or long to engage in a well-rounded social life, and do not need help around your home, then consider a Sustaining Membership.

What are some examples of how members use DCV?

Members love to stay connected through concerts, private docent-led museum tours, potluck gatherings and enjoying the dining scene around the neighborhood. Health and physical fitness are important regular activities that include walking, yoga, and exercise classes to stay limber and fit. Members seek volunteers for changing light bulbs, tutorials to program computer and smart phones, help with organizing collections, or transportation to medical appointments.

Do I have to be a member to participate in DCV activities?

Most DCV activities are for members only. However, our Live and Learn Lecture Series and a limited number of forums are open to the general public for a fee. See a list of Activities and Benefits, or check out the DCV Calendar for details.

Must members become volunteers?

Members are strongly encouraged but are not required to become volunteers. Currently, more than 40 percent of our members are volunteers.

What role do volunteers play in the Village?

Volunteers choose from two categories to support DCV – direct support to members or support to the organizational operations. See our complete list of volunteer services.

What if there is no volunteer to help me?

The DCV Volunteer Coordinator will outline options when a volunteer is not available to assist. In some instances, help beyond the purview of the Village is desired and a consult with the Executive Director can be scheduled to discuss and refer to a range of skilled providers.

What do I do if I have a medical emergency?

The Village is not an emergency response service and is not able to answer calls on a 24 hour basis. In the event of a medical emergency, members should dial 911. DCV will assist with follow-up needs at home once a medical emergency is addressed by medical professionals and/or your doctors.

What if I need something that is not on the list of membership activities and benefits?

The DCV Executive Director will schedule a private consultation to determine your interests and make recommendations for next steps, including a plan of action and referrals to skilled advocates.

How can the local business community support DCV?

DCV members shop and support local businesses. We welcome the opportunity for businesses to become regular donors, support special programming, and provide discounts to our members. Annual fundraisers like the Silent Auction, Celeb Salons, and the DCV Capital Campaign promote the Village and provide opportunities for the business community to gain visibility through sponsorship, donations, and gifts.

Are donations to DCV tax deductible?

DCV is an IRS designated 501(c)(3) charitable organization, therefore gifts and donations are tax deductible. Donations can be made to underwrite general operating expenses, build a fund for subsidizing memberships, augment matching grants, and honor or remember friends, members, or others. (We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover.)  DCV’s tax ID number: 26-2702387.

Dupont Circle Village   •  
 2121 Decatur Place NW   •   Washington DC 20008   •   202.436.5252   •